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News For Mold and Mildew

Innovative Air Purification Solutions for Indoor Growing

Indoor cultivation presents unique challenges when it comes to maintaining air quality and hygiene. In order to preserve clean and sanitary conditions for their plants, indoor growers must use advanced air purification systems, in contrast to outdoor spaces where natural wind can assist in dispersing pollutants. Innovative air filtration technology is essential to keep workers […]

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Spotting Mold on Cannabis: What to Look For

Cannabis cultivation requires meticulous care and attention to detail to ensure the highest quality end product. One of the challenges growers face is the potential growth of mold, which can significantly compromise the integrity and safety of the crop. Mold on cannabis not only affects its appearance but also poses health risks if consumed. In […]

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Protecting Your Cannabis Crops from Devastating Mold and Fungal Diseases

In the realm of cannabis cultivation, one of the most harrowing experiences a grower can face is the threat of losing their crop to a fungal disease. This fear becomes even more palpable as the buds begin to mature, signaling that harvest time is near. Discovering any form of powdery substance, dust, strands, or bumps […]

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Combating Powdery Mildew in Cannabis Cultivation: Strategies for Healthy Edibles

Powdery mildew encompasses a variety of fungal pathogens that create a distinctive white, powdery coating on plants. This condition not only detracts from a plant’s health and aesthetic but poses significant challenges to eradication. Powdery mildew’s resilience, evidenced by its microscopic spores that can linger even after apparent removal, raises concerns for crops post-harvest. When […]

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Understanding Mold on Cannabis: Causes, Risks, and Prevention

Cannabis cultivation is an intricate process that requires careful attention to detail at every stage. Among the myriad concerns for growers, one of the most significant is mold contamination. Mold not only jeopardizes the health and safety of consumers but also poses regulatory and financial risks to cultivators and the industry as a whole. In […]

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what to do for powdery mildew in the late flowering stage

What to do for Powdery Mildew in the Late Flowering Stage

As a commercial grower, it’s devastating – you walk into your flowering room in the late grow season, and as you’re inspecting your cannabis crop, you find that powdery mildew has taken hold of a group of plants. It’s a worst-case scenario come to life. And, unfortunately it means the affected plants likely need to […]

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is powdery mildew harmful on marijuana?

Is Powdery Mildew Harmful on Marijuana?

Yes, powdery mildew is harmful on marijuana. This news may be upsetting, but not nearly as upsetting as watching it wipe out your entire cannabis crop. This airborne fungal pathogen is very destructive to marijuana. In fact, if left untreated it can destroy your whole crop in less than a week. As a marijuana grower, […]

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air filters for cannabis grow rooms

Air Filters for Cannabis Grow Rooms: Why They Don’t Work

Before you install air filters in your cannabis grow rooms, take some time to consider more effective options to stop powdery mildew. Air filtration isn’t enough to improve your indoor grow room‘s air quality. Carbon air filters for cannabis do not provide powerful air purification. It does not prevent mold spores, bacteria and other undesirable […]

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White Spots on Cannabis Leaves: Identifying and Stopping Mold

White Spots on Cannabis Leaves: Identifying and Stopping Mold

With thousands of species of mold and mildew waiting to devastate your crops, identifying those white spots on your cannabis leaves can seem less important than stopping whatever is destroying your plants. Regardless, in defending against mold, arming yourself with knowledge about what you’re seeing and how to prevent it in the first place will […]

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what does white mold mean on your cannabis buds

What Does White Mold on Cannabis Buds Mean?

Any grower can feel it at any time – the dread of possibly losing a cannabis crop to a moldy fungal disease. It cuts especially deep when the buds are growing and it’s almost time to harvest. When you see powder, dust, strands, or bumps on leaves and cannabis buds, what does it mean? It […]

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What to do about Powdery Mildew on Dried Buds

What to do About Powdery Mildew on Dried Buds

It’s devastating. Your cannabis has matured and survived all the way to curing – and one of the dried buds of your product has a powdery white mold or mildew spot on it. If you look closely, you might even see it on a few other buds nearby. Powdery mildew (or PM) on your dried […]

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how to handle powdery mildew on buds after harvest

How to Handle Powdery Mildew on Buds after Harvest

Powdery mildew on buds after harvest is a serious concern for cannabis growers, and for good reason. This severe blight is one of the top causes of cannabis plant destruction. The key to beating this threat is to keep it from getting anywhere near your plants in the first place. Of course, you say, but […]

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The 3 most Aggressive and Effective Ways for Eliminating Powdery Mildew

The 3 Most Aggressive and Effective Ways for Eliminating Powdery Mildew

Eliminating powdery mildew can sometimes seem like an impossible task. How can you keep powdery mildew off of your plants? And how do you remove powdery mildew after it has already settled in? For commercial and home growers, fortunately, there are a few ways to combat this airborne fungal. If you’re growing cannabis indoors, the […]

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the most common causes of powdery mildew and how to prevent it

The Most Common Causes of Powdery Mildew and How to Prevent It

Powdery mildew is the scourge of agricultural producers everywhere, and cannabis cultivators are no exception. While it is often believed that mildew and mold thrive at higher temperatures, they actually have an affinity for moderate temperatures like the typical range used for growing cannabis. This makes it tough to outsmart and stop powdery mildew. Understanding […]

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what to do about white mold on your plants

What to do About White Mold on Your Buds

White mold comes in many forms – but it’s always bad news for your cannabis plants, and especially their buds. Plants with white mold on the buds are already too far gone, and depending on your location, they may need to be processed into extract or completely destroyed. You might still have time, though, to […]

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Preventing powdery mildew on medical cannabis

5 Ways to Stop Powdery Mildew on Medical Cannabis

Powdery mildew infects a range of plants, but it is particularly harmful to cannabis plants. When growing medical cannabis, it is essential to keep a close eye on plant health. Monitoring signs of mildew will ensure your cannabis crop stays safe. Look for small patches of white mold filaments, curling or dropped leaves, and brown […]

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[Dmitry Tishchenko] © 123rf cannabis without mold mold exposure

Effects of Mold Exposure on Cannabis Production

To successfully cultivate medical marijuana, growers must tightly control a range of environmental variables. Many growers rely on fans to circulate air and decrease the heat given off by grow lights. This makes limiting exposure to fungi of utmost importance. These fans have the unintended consequence of spreading mold spores throughout an indoor cannabis growing […]

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the ideal pre-treatment for powdery mildew

The Ideal Pre-Treatment for Powdery Mildew

With millions of species adapted to a variety of environments, mold and fungus is an ever-present threat to your plants. It makes sense that you would prepare your cannabis for the inevitability of an environment ripe for fungal growth. Often, the conditions that make it easier to grow quality cannabis at scale are the same […]

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get rid of powdery mildew during flowering

How to Get Rid of Powdery Mildew During Flowering

Trying to get rid of powdery mildew during flowering is a serious problem, and a difficult one to resolve. Short of dousing your infected plants in gasoline and lighting a match, your options are limited. The smart way to deal with powdery mildew is never to let your plants be exposed to spores in the […]

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is there mold in your grow room?

Is There Mold in Your Grow Room?

The very best protection from mold in your cannabis grow room is prevention. But, how do you know prevention is necessary? Mold can come in from anywhere – making prevention a necessary part of any grow – but for testing purposes you can find out how much mold is actually hanging around in your space. […]

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how to destroy powdery mildew on edibles

How to Destroy Powdery Mildew on Edibles

Powdery mildew actually refers to several strains of fungi that cause a white, powdery mold to form on plants. After infecting a plant, it is very difficult to get rid of the powdery mildew. Even if the fungus appears to be eradicated, microscopic spores may remain. After harvest, powdery mildew may cause health problems if […]

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carbon air filters for cannabis grow rooms do they stop powdery mildew?

Carbon Air Filters for Cannabis Grow Rooms: Do They Stop Powdery Mildew?

When it comes to installing carbon air filters for cannabis grow rooms, there can be a lot of misconceptions about performance. Not all filters are equal. And not all filters can stop powdery mildew. There is, however, a proven solution. Read on and discover how Airoclean 420 will protect your crop from this serious issue. […]

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Four ways homegrowers can prevent powdery mildew

Four Ways Homegrowers can Prevent Powdery Mildew

There’s nothing good about powdery mildew, especially for an indoor home grower and their prized cannabis plants. Once you see the dreaded white powdery substance, you know there’s a big problem on your hands. And much work will be demanded of you because of it. Powdery mildew certainly doesn’t just go away if left ignored […]

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what is powdery mildew and why is it bad for cannabis plants

What is Powdery Mildew and Why is it Bad for Cannabis Plants?

What is powdery mildew (PM) and why is PM bad for cannabis plants? Powdery Mildew is a quite common fungal disease that affects indoor and outdoor gardeners of every plant type, including cannabis. PM can hit your plants at any stage of growth. Even seedlings and clones can get PM. In fact, clones with PM […]

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Why is there powdery mildew in my home grow farmer with seedling

Why do I Keep Getting Powdery Mildew in my Home Grow

Why do I keep getting powdery mildew in my home grow? That’s a smart valid question to ask if you’re growing cannabis at home and keep getting fungus on your plants. If you’re frustrated with battling powdery mildew in your personal home grow, and wondering why you keep getting it, we assure you there are […]

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Cannabis infestation prevention with Airoclean 420

Cannabis Infestation Prevention with AiroClean420

What if you could stop a costly fungal infestation of your cannabis before it even started? Powdery mildew, gray mold, blight – all of these diseases and more can be stopped with a single solution, but you need to protect your plants through every stage of their growth cycle to be sure. Luckily, with AiroClean420, […]

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cannabis powdery mildew and how clean air can help

Marijuana Powdery Mildew and How Cleaner Air Can Help

Powdery mildew is a scourge to agricultural producers everywhere. This white, powdery fungus first begins to appear on plant leaves before spreading to affect stems, buds, and roots. Eventually, the entire plant succumbs to powdery mildew infection. Marijuana powdery mildew problems are endemic in many grow rooms. Achieving a higher air quality in your cannabis […]

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common fungal diseases in plants

Common Fungal Diseases in Plants

When cultivating healthy cannabis plants, there are many variables to monitor. Humidity, temperature, light, soil pH, and soil nutrients all impact a plant’s ability to thrive. In addition to these environmental variables, it is important to identify potential risks. Fungal diseases are among the most prominent pathogens to target cannabis plants. Recognizing warning signs of […]

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6 ways to preven powdery mildew on cannabis

6 Ways to Prevent Powdery Mildew on Cannabis Plants

When white powder first appears on the stems or leaves of cannabis plants, it may already be too late to take action. Powdery mildew is one of the most common and most virulent cannabis plant diseases. Although fungicides and other treatments can partially combat the fungus infestation, treatments cannot always stop the spread of this […]

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can you get rid of powdery mildew during flowering?

Can You Get Rid of Powdery Mildew During Flowering?

Powdery mildew is the bane of cannabis growers everywhere. It’s very difficult to get rid of powdery mildew during flowering, and an infection during this crucial part of your growing season could be devastating. Today we’ll teach you to identify this blight, and the steps you can take to ensure it doesn’t threaten your crops […]

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dealing with powdery mildew before it becomes a problem

How to Deal With Powdery Mildew Before it’s a Problem

Powdery mildew (PM) is a threat to cannabis crops in any grow environment. But with an indoor grow, you have options for controlling this contaminant and preventing its spread before it becomes a problem. First, you need to know what to watch out for. There are several aspects of your grow that you’ll want to […]

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Finding an effective powdery mildew killer

Finding an Effective Powdery Mildew Killer

You do everything in your power to protect your cannabis crops, and yet powdery mildew still seems to infect your plants when you least expect it. It’s so frustrating to have to remove one or more plants, and then scramble to disinfect the rest of your crop. This cycle is exhausting and costly, but it […]

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Is powdery mildew systemic?

Is Powdery Mildew Systemic?

The question “is powdery mildew systemic?” is often asked by new and old cannabis growers alike. Cannabis growers rightly want to know if powdery mildew (PM) is a systemic infection or just a topical one. They also want to know if it is a treatable nuisance or a lost cause. While most cannabis growers over […]

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how to control powdery mildew on cannabis

Control Powdery Mildew on Cannabis

It can seem like an impossible task to control powdery mildew on cannabis. The spores seem to be everywhere. Even if you dare to spray your plants with chemicals and other toxins, there’s no guarantee you’ll get rid of the problem. The secret to fighting powdery mildew is to eliminate it from your growing environment […]

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PCO technology to fight powdery mildew

PCO Technology to Fight Powdery Mildew

Growing the best cannabis requires specific environmental conditions. Temperature, humidity, and air quality all contribute to your final product. Reaching these requirements, though, may create an ideal environment for one of the biggest threats to your crop: powdery mildew. Stopping this menace entirely without the right equipment is almost impossible, but thanks to Airoclean 420’s […]

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prevent powdery mildew in a home grow

How do you get rid of powdery mildew organically in your home grow?

If you have powdery mildew in your personal home grow and want to get rid of it organically, then you won’t be using any synthetic fungicides. Rather, you’ll be using organic, natural methods to get rid of and prevent powdery mildew. First, home growers and caregivers should be aware of what not to use in […]

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AiroClean420 vs Powdery Mildew | Cannabis Case Study

Thousands of AiroClean420 cannabis air purification units are in operation, stopping powdery mildew and helping cannabis cultivators grow healthy, mold-free marijuana. Because of our proven process, we put our powerful protection to the test in our recent case study with a commercial cannabis grower. Continue reading to see the results of our technology Developed for […]

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Risks of Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew is notorious for its infecting and devastating marijuana. But what are all the risks of powdery mildew on cannabis? Keep reading to learn more about powdery mildew health risks and how to stop powdery mildew in your facility. Physical Harm The most obvious risk of powdery mildew on marijuana plants is destroying leaves […]

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How to get rid of powdery mildew on cannabis

How To Get Rid of Powdery Mildew

The battle against powdery mildew and its devastating effects is an ongoing fight for cannabis growers. Through all stages of growth, powdery mildew can infect and cripple cannabis plants. Our technology can show you how to get rid of powdery mildew during flowering, how to remove powdery mildew from buds and how to prevent powdery […]

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Is Your Cannabis at Risk?

Growing cannabis indoors for commercial purposes can be lucrative, but to ensure you provide a high quality product, it is vital to protect your plants from airborne threats. Powdery mildew poses a severe risk to your plants, harvest, and business. If you grow marijuana in an enclosed room, you risk your cannabis being infected by […]

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Stop Powdery Mildew on Home Grown Cannabis

Growing cannabis or any plant in a small space poses threats. This is something that many home growers and hobbyists are well aware of. From lighting to temperature, providing your plants with a clean, controlled environment is vital for their quality and lifespan. It’s pertinent to stop powdery mildew on home grown cannabis plants not […]

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AC420 helps keep powdery mildew off cannabis

Keep Powdery Mildew Off Cannabis Plants

Putting a stop to powdery mildew is a daunting and difficult task. The devastating cannabis mold spreads quickly and costs growers thousands in losses. Growers all around North America trust our air purification to stop powdery mildew, and with AiroClean420 air sanitation, you can effortlessly keep powdery mildew off cannabis plants for good. Keep reading […]

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Discover the best way to handle powdery mildew at any stage for cannabis plant growth

How to Handle Powdery Mildew at Any Stage

Powdery mildew, at any stage in marijuana growth, is extremely harmful to your plants and profits. As one of the top killers of cannabis plants, a serious fungal blight like powdery mildew can be difficult to stop when it begins to spread. But there are precautions commercial cannabis growers can take to protect their plants […]

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Avoid harmful cannabis fungus - learn how you can

Avoid Harmful Cannabis Fungus

Cannabis growers of all sizes face the threat of harmful fungi. From powdery mildew to blight and gray mold, any fungal infection can spread quickly and severely damage your cannabis crop. So how you can avoid harmful cannabis fungus? Let our AiroClean420 air purification system scrub your grow facility’s air and eliminate fungal threats. The […]

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Stop powdery mildew on cannabis

Stop Powdery Mildew

You’ve noticed some white spots on your marijuana leaves, and now you’re seeing more severe blisters on more plants. How do you stop the powdery mildew from spreading? How do you save your cannabis crop? Getting rid of powdery mildew is a severely difficult problem to solve. Other than torching your crop, solutions are few. […]

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AiroClean420 Kill powdery mildew before it kills your crop

Kill Powdery Mildew Before It Kills Your Crop

The cannabis industry continues to grow, and as more companies enter the industry, competition is also on the rise. When you invest in high-quality cannabis, you need to ensure your investment is being protected. Powdery mildew is considered to be the most serious plant disease growers face. If powdery mildew infects even one plant, it has the […]

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Happy Croptober! Make your harvest 100% free of mold & mildew

Happy Croptober! Harvest All Year 100% Free of Mold and Mildew

It’s every outdoor grower’s favorite time of the year: #Croptober! After battling with weather, fungus, and pests, it’s time to reap the annual rewards of growing and cultivating cannabis outdoors. While it’s a fruitful season for outdoor growers, indoor growers who use Airoclean420 can celebrate a Happy Croptober all year long with a harvest free […]

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marijuana mildew prevention

The Best Methods for Marijuana Mildew Prevention

The development of mildew on marijuana plants can cause catastrophic failure of your cannabis production cycle. Powdery mildew and other types of mold may form at any stage in the production process, from nurturing tiny seedlings to drying harvested buds. Engaging in marijuana mildew prevention efforts decreases the risk of your crop becoming spoiled by […]

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prevent botrytis on cannabis

How to Treat Powdery Mildew Without Chemicals

Agricultural producers have turned to chemical fungicides for decades to control the outbreak of fungal plant pathogens. Unfortunately, some evidence suggests that these fungicides may be dangerous for human health. With many cannabis consumers using the product for medical reasons, the demand for organic marijuana is strong. Now, in response to this growing consumer demand, […]

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destroy powdery mildew on infused products

Can You Destroy Powdery Mildew on Infused Products?

Infused products represent one of the biggest marijuana success stories in Colorado, the first state in the U.S. to implement legalized cannabis. In 2014, more than 4.8 million units of infused edible products were sold in Colorado. The majority of those sold was for recreational use. When it comes to production of infused cannabis products, […]

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Stop Powdery Mildew on Marijuana

Organic Methods to Stop Powdery Mildew on Marijuana Plants

Organic cannabis crops are a growth industry. Just as organic farming has transformed agricultural production in the United States, cannabis will soon follow. Getting ahead of this trend may be an effective way to solidify your brand recognition and grow your business. One of the downsides to growing organic cannabis is the need to protect […]

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powdery mildew control

Can Powdery Mildew Control Help Prevent Mildew Spread After Harvest?

Planning for powdery mildew control is a very important step in the growing process. It is vital to make sure the buds and leaves of the thriving cannabis plant stay protected before, during, and after harvest. Experienced growers know that taking the time to prevent a fungus outbreak will protect the plants and making growing […]

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financial protection for the future - growth treasure

What’s the Best Way to Prevent Powdery Mildew on Cannabis if It’s Flowering?

As with most plants, great care and attention to your marijuana plants is the best way to prevent powdery mildew on cannabis. One of the biggest threats growers face is the arrival of mildew or fungus that can and will consume the delicate leaves of the plants. This powdery mildew can spread so fast that […]

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Stop Powdery Mildew on Cannabis

How Can I Stop Powdery Mildew on Cannabis Plants for Good?

Permanently stopping powdery mildew on cannabis probably seems like a pipe dream. The stuff has been the bane of marijuana growers for centuries, if not longer. The key is to keep it from getting anywhere near your plants. Easier said than done, you say? Don’t throw in the towel just yet. This airborne blight can […]

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gray mold on cannabis

What Are Long Term Solutions for Preventing Gray Mold on Cannabis?

Marijuana growers have been looking for the best way to fight gray mold on cannabis for years. Until recently results of fighting this disease have not been good. Once it has infected your plants, gray mold, also known as bud rot or Botrytis Cinerea, can be almost impossible to eliminate. Thankfully, now there is a […]

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fungal disease control on cannabis

How Fungal Disease Control on Cannabis Can Be Easy

For years marijuana growers have been stymied by fungal disease control on cannabis – and for good reason. There are nearly 90 species of fungals that can attack cannabis, and more are found every year. The most prevalent is gray mold, which is caused by Botrytis Cinerea, but there are others that also pose a […]

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control powdery mildew on Infused Products

Do I Need to Control Powdery Mildew on Infused Products?

Infused marijuana products are one of the most lucrative aspects of the cannabis market. In 2015 alone, the state of Colorado legally sold almost 5 million infused edible products. This represents the market share of just one state in which recreational marijuana is permitted. Given that numerous other states have legal medical marijuana, this represents […]

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how to control powdery mildew on marijuana plants

Why It Is Important to Know How to Control Powdery Mildew on Marijuana Plants

Sales of legal marijuana are expected to top $6.7 billion in 2016, representing an astonishing 25% growth over the previous year. This economic climate creates an exciting space for marijuana producers hoping to expand their market share. Unfortunately, variables such as fungal disease can decimate your marijuana crop and destroy potential earnings. That is why […]

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cannabis plant diseases and cures

The Most Common Cannabis Plant Diseases and Cures that Work

Growing cannabis requires a constant focus on balancing the plants’ needs for light, water, and nutrients. With consumers increasingly choosy about the origins and growing environment of marijuana products, producers must keep pace by ensuring the purity of their product. This includes an increased focus on disease prevention, as cannabis fungi or other pathogens could […]

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stop powdery mildew on edibles

How an Air Purification System Can Stop Powdery Mildew on Edibles

In the first year that marijuana was legalized for recreational use in Colorado, sales approached 5 million marijuana-infused edible products, according to the state’s Marijuana Enforcement Division. Edibles represent a huge market share, with dispensaries and cannabis producers consistently looking for high-quality cured marijuana to create cannabis oil or other infused products. Producing a top […]

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effects of mold on cannabis

Effects of Mold on Cannabis: 4 Things Medical Marijuana Growers Need to Know

Regulated sales of marijuana in states with legal recreational or medical marijuana represented a $5.7 billion industry in 2015. This is nearly 24% higher than the previous year, illustrating the immense growth potential for the marijuana industry. For cannabis growers, this is a promising sign for future revenue. However, there remain several threats to high […]

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powdery mildew treatments

Powdery Mildew Treatments that Don’t Rely on Harsh Chemicals

Powdery mildew is caused by several different species of fungi that all result in the same effect: fluffy blotches of white fungus that coat the leaves of marijuana plants. Powdery mildew can cause serious problems for medical marijuana growers, as it quickly engulfs the buds of a plant. Thus, finding effective powdery mildew treatments is […]

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examples of fungal disease

4 Examples of Fungal Diseases and How to Fight Them

Our environment is filled with millions of microorganisms. Many of these are harmless to health, but a minority of them can cause serious problems. Fungal spores, bacteria, and viruses can be deadly to cannabis plants. Understanding the causes of fungal diseases in cannabis plants allows you to take rapid action to fight against them. Following […]

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control powdery mildew on cannabis

Control Powdery Mildew on Cannabis Without Fungicides

For many years, fungicides represented the best way to prevent plant diseases on cannabis and other agricultural crops. Over the past few decades, however, consumers and producers alike have grown wary of extensive fungicide use. Although an effective way to control powdery mildew on cannabis, widespread application of fungicides can have several adverse consequences. Instead, […]

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mold removal services

What to Look For When Choosing Mold Removal Services

Every marijuana grower deals with plant diseases at some point. The most common class of diseases to affect cannabis plants is fungi. From powdery mildew to gray mold to bud rot, fungi can wipe out an entire crop in days to weeks. Once you notice signs of fungal infection, it is important to take aggressive […]

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how to get rid of powdery mildew

Get Rid of Powdery Mildew in 5 Steps

Powdery mildew spreads quickly and can be difficult to combat. Learn how to get rid of powdery mildew in 5 steps to keep your growing environment fungus-free. 1. Assess the extent of the problem. How to get rid of powdery mildew depends on the extent of the infection. If you catch powdery mildew early, you […]

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