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News For Tips

Innovative Air Purification Solutions for Indoor Growing

Indoor cultivation presents unique challenges when it comes to maintaining air quality and hygiene. In order to preserve clean and sanitary conditions for their plants, indoor growers must use advanced air purification systems, in contrast to outdoor spaces where natural wind can assist in dispersing pollutants. Innovative air filtration technology is essential to keep workers […]

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how to clean a grow tent

How to Clean a Grow Tent

  All home growers and caregivers should be informed on how to properly clean a marijuanagrow tent. You may have heard that cleanliness is key to growing quality cannabis. It is absolutely true — clean grow tents lead to clean cannabis! Cleanliness in your grow tent is one of the main ways you’ll prevent cannabis […]

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Air purification for any indoor grow setup

Air Purification for Any Indoor Grow Setup

  Air, water, and soil – the health of every element in your cannabis grow determines whether your yield will be a bumper crop or a total flop. When it comes to air purification, every space differs in cubic footage. Your unique needs call for an air purification system that’s nothing less than a perfect […]

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growing cannabis genetics time lapse chanwity © 123rf

Top 10 Genetics Companies and Seed Breeders to watch in 2022

This 2022 is going to be an exciting year for cannabis genetics. Keep an eye on cannabis breeders like MrSoul of Brothers Grimm Seeds, Mel Frank and Todd McCormick of AG Seed Company, and also Purple City Genetics, led by breeder Cowboy. While Purple City Genetics is new to seed production, they have been working […]

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a cannabis grow room setup with lights "mrorange002 © 123rf"

Best Grow Setup for Indoors

  To achieve the best grow setup for indoors, a home grower must address more than grow light selection, and options like grow tent vs. grow room, or hydroponics vs. growing in soil. They also need to consider their need for optimal air flow, air purification, pest control, and temperature and humidity control systems. Grow […]

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avoid environmental control mistakes in your cannabis grow

Avoid these three environmental control mistakes in your cannabis grow!

You can prevent cannabis crop losses due to disease. As an indoor cannabis grower, you’ve got total control over your grow environment. But, that means human error is also a present threat to your environmental control and cannabis crops. As your grow progresses, temperature needs change, pressure needs stay the same, and microbial threats are […]

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holding clean cannabis provide clean cannabis to meet new demand

Provide Clean Cannabis to Meet New Demand

Legalization in new states and new legislation in others is poised to create new demand for clean cannabis products. As an indoor grower, you have a unique opportunity to provide clean cannabis with no mold or bacterial contamination – and you can do it organically. Clean cannabis goes beyond contamination. Of course, the expectation in […]

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maintaining your airoclean unit with a maintenance kit

Maintaining your Airoclean420 Unit

Your Airoclean420 unit works year-round to keep your crops free from fungus, disease, powdery mildew, and more. Maintenance is a critical part of keeping it running smoothly for its entire lifespan. Luckily, maintenance of your Airoclean420 is simple – and with our annual maintenance kit, you’re set for an entire year. Read on to learn […]

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modern grow rooms vs old fashioned grow rooms

Old fashioned grow rooms vs. Modern grow rooms 

In many respects, modern grow rooms wouldn’t be here without old-school grow rooms. On the other hand, modern commercial cannabis cultivation is reinvigorating how small grow spaces are being planned, built and run today. Commercial cannabis is a booming business this 2020. It really is an incredible feat because cannabis is still federally illegal in […]

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Can you use a humidifier with Airoclean 420?

Can you run a humidifier with the Airo Home Hobby Grow Air Purification System?

Answer: Yes, you can run a humidifier with the Airo Home Unit. Many indoor commercial cannabis cultivation farms run AiroClean420 Commercial Units in unison with humidifiers successfully. You can too in your small grow space. There are indoor commercial farms that run humidifiers, sometimes 24/7, to raise humidity levels up. Farms often operate AiroClean420 Air […]

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2020 cannabis trends

2020 Cannabis Trends

2019 was a year of growth and success for cannabusiness. According to Forbes, Illinois became the 11th state to legalize marijuana. A cannabis banking bill was passed by the U.S. House this year, and the House Judiciary Committee approved an act that could end federal prohibition. These are just a few of the great strides […]

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Growing Cannabis Indoors

After seeing years of successful air purification in the food and beverage industry, our AiroClean420 air sanitation system was introduced to benefit the cannabis industry. Growing cannabis indoors can be tricky. From airborne threats and bacteria to temperature and humidity, maintaining a clean environment is important. With thousands of units in operation, AiroClean420 is working […]

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Secret to growing high quality cannabis at home

The Secret to Growing High Quality Cannabis at Home

Home and hobby cannabis growers want to ensure they are always growing the best marijuana possible in their space. So what’s the secret to growing high quality cannabis at home? Read on as our expertise in the cannabis growing industry reveals how you can grow your best cannabis yet. Protect From Top to Bottom Every […]

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How to Boost Profits and Cannabis Quality - AiroClean420 news

How to Boost Profits and Cannabis Quality

Cannabis growers that provide high-quality products know that customers will continue to choose and trust them for future sales. For this reason, if you’re a cannabis grower who wants to boost profits and cannabis quality, you can achieve both with one solution: AiroClean420 air purification. Clean Green Means High Cannabis Quality Whether customers are turning […]

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2019 Cannabis Trends

2018 was a booming year for the cannabis industry. With Canada’s national legalization and now 30 US states legalizing medical marijuana, 2019 is sure to be another year of growth and success for North America. From everything we learned in 2018, here are five trends we expect to see in the cannabis industry in 2019. […]

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how clean air helps your plants and your people stay healthy

How Clean Air Helps Your Plants and Your People

If you’re a commercial grower and promise the highest quality product for your customers, keeping a clean facility is vital. To maintain a clean growing environment for your plants and a safe workplace for your employees, start by thinking about how clean air helps your plants and your people. Pure Air, Beyond a Filter Many […]

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