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News For Botrytis Blight

Innovative Air Purification Solutions for Indoor Growing

Indoor cultivation presents unique challenges when it comes to maintaining air quality and hygiene. In order to preserve clean and sanitary conditions for their plants, indoor growers must use advanced air purification systems, in contrast to outdoor spaces where natural wind can assist in dispersing pollutants. Innovative air filtration technology is essential to keep workers […]

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what does white mold mean on your cannabis buds

What Does White Mold on Cannabis Buds Mean?

Any grower can feel it at any time – the dread of possibly losing a cannabis crop to a moldy fungal disease. It cuts especially deep when the buds are growing and it’s almost time to harvest. When you see powder, dust, strands, or bumps on leaves and cannabis buds, what does it mean? It […]

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what is blight disease and how will it affect my plants

What Is Blight Disease and How Will It Affect My Plants?

The words “powdery mildew” or “grey mold” often strike fear into the hearts of cannabis growers. However, when you ask, “what is blight disease?” many growers don’t know the exact answer. This is unfortunate, because cannabis blight disease can seriously affect the health of your plants. It can be every bit as deadly as powdery […]

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stopping cannabis plant diseases before they start

Stopping Cannabis Plant Diseases Before They Start

Devastating diseases threaten your crops – and they’re not always easy to spot. Sometimes, powdery mildew will take over a plant before the signs are obvious, and soon many plants are infected. Or, botrytis rots your buds quicker than you can spot, and your crop is gone. In all cases, an ounce of prevention is […]

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six ways to prevent botrytis blight on cannabis plants

6 Ways to Prevent Botrytis on Cannabis Plants

It only takes a single botrytis infection for cannabis growers to get smart about prevention. The botrytis fungus, also known as gray mold, is notoriously difficult to treat. However, taking thoughtful measures to prevent botrytis on cannabis plants will ensure that your entire crop makes it to harvest. 6 Ways to Prevent Botrytis on Cannabis […]

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common types of blight in plants

Common Types of Blight in Plants

Blight in Plants Cannabis growers and cultivators monitor their plants’ progress through every stage of the growth cycle, from selecting a strain through preparation for sale. If not proactive, infections can occur during any step of cannabis growth and production pipeline. One of the most destructive problems affecting cannabis plants is blight. There are several […]

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The best treatment for blight in cannabis plants

The Best Treatment for Blight in Cannabis Plants

Cannabis growers often worry about blight. Blight is a leading contributor to plant death. In fact, blight itself is not a specific disease. Instead, it is a characteristic set of symptoms that affect cannabis plants. Unlike other cannabis plant infections, blight may be caused by a fungus or a bacteria. Finding the best treatment for […]

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how to see and stop botrytis on cannabis

How to See and Stop Botrytis in Cannabis

Botrytis blight is among the deadliest diseases that can descend upon your cannabis crop. Even worse than reduced production is the destruction of your entire grow over the course of a few weeks – which is entirely possible with a botrytis infection. Not to worry, we can help you combat botrytis on your cannabis plants. […]

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Stop Botrytis on Cannabis

Learn How to Stop Botrytis on Cannabis Plants

Botrytis cinerea, also known as gray mold, is perhaps best known for affecting wine grapes. However, gray mold can also decimate a cannabis crop within a few short days. Botrytis cinerea takes the form of asexual spores that spread on branching gray filaments that soon cover a plant. Circulating air throughout a grow room causes […]

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botrytis blight treatment

Best Solution for Botrytis Blight Treatment

Medical marijuana producers face a host of issues in raising a healthy crop to harvest. One of the biggest scourges to face growers is botrytis blight, also known as gray mold or bud rot. Finding an effective solution for botrytis blight treatment is essential to prevent your entire crop from dying. What Is Botrytis Blight? […]

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blight disease in plants

How Can I Identify Blight Disease in Plants?

Cannabis growers are constantly worried about blight disease in their plants. And for good reason – blight is a leading cause of plant destruction. But did you know that blight in itself is not a particular disease? It’s really just the name given to a set of symptoms affecting cannabis plants. Because blight causes can […]

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stop botrytis on marijuana

The Best Way to Stop Botrytis on Marijuana

Cannabis growers have been looking for ways to stop Botrytis on marijuana for years with mixed results. Botrytis, also known as bud rot or gray mold, is a tough threat. And getting rid of it can seem like a nearly impossible chore. Why? Because sooner or later every grower of marijuana has to deal with […]

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fungal disease control on infused products

Why You Must Proactively Kill Botrytis on Cannabis

Botrytis cinerea, or gray mold, is perhaps best known in the wine world for its ability to wipe out an entire vineyard of grapes in just a few short weeks. Its effects in a cannabis grow room are no less lethal. In fact, botrytis remains one of the biggest threats to the health of your […]

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destroy botrytis on cannabis

The Best Ways to Destroy Botrytis on Cannabis

Botrytis Cinerea is Perhaps the Deadliest of Cannabis Plant Infections. This nasty fungus will quickly spread throughout your grow room, drying room, and other processing environments, destroying all cannabis plant life in its path. Finding ways to destroy botrytis on cannabis can help you weather an outbreak, preserving your investment. Destroy Botrytis on Cannabis When […]

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stop botrytis on medical marijuana

How Air Purification Can Stop Botrytis on Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana providers must be very vigilant to prevent the spread of plant disease among their crop. Like nearly all living things, marijuana plants are susceptible to diseases from a variety of pathogens. Bacteria, viruses, and fungi can all take their toll on plants. Medical marijuana plants are particularly susceptible to fungal infections such as […]

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control botrytis on cannabis

The Best Ways to Control Botrytis on Cannabis Plants

Marijuana consumers have recently been raising concerns that medical marijuana products contain harmful mold. It is true that a mold infestation can persist after plants are harvested and buds are in the drying process. This health concern makes it imperative for cannabis growers to be vigilant about the effects of mold on plants. Botrytis cinerea […]

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