Call 1-844-247-3913 to learn how to stop powdery mildew.


Top 10 Genetics Companies and Seed Breeders to watch in 2022

This 2022 is going to be an exciting year for cannabis genetics. Keep an eye on cannabis breeders like MrSoul of Brothers Grimm Seeds, Mel Frank and Todd McCormick of AG Seed Company, and also Purple City Genetics, led by breeder Cowboy. While Purple City Genetics is new to seed production, they have been working […]

An Efficient Alternative to Bud Washing for Cannabis

You go to great lengths for the health of your product and the consumer, creating an ideal environment for growing cannabis. You ensure tools and personnel are clean before entering the grow room, and cure your product in a controlled area, before (potentially) finally sending it off for testing. Even if you’re in a state […]

The Best Fungal Disease Treatment for Cannabis Plants

With several millions of species of fungi around the world, your cannabis plants are under constant threat. Microscopic fungal spores float through the environment, waiting to take hold of a plant. Under the right growing conditions, these spores can lead to mold, root rot, damping off, and other diseases that cripple plants. Thus, it is […]

PCO Purifiers Vs. Air Ionizers for Growing Cannabis

Protecting your cannabis crop is the top priority when you’re choosing an air purification system – and picking the right option means saving time, money, and your hard-grown product. When it comes to industrial air ionizers for your cannabis, though, there are drawbacks to consider. On the other hand, PCO provides an alternative that’s highly […]

What Does White Mold on Cannabis Buds Mean?

Any grower can feel it at any time – the dread of possibly losing a cannabis crop to a moldy fungal disease. It cuts especially deep when the buds are growing and it’s almost time to harvest. When you see powder, dust, strands, or bumps on leaves and cannabis buds, what does it mean? It […]

What Is Blight Disease and How Will It Affect My Plants?

The words “powdery mildew” or “grey mold” often strike fear into the hearts of cannabis growers. However, when you ask, “what is blight disease?” many growers don’t know the exact answer. This is unfortunate, because cannabis blight disease can seriously affect the health of your plants. It can be every bit as deadly as powdery […]

What to do About Powdery Mildew on Dried Buds

It’s devastating. Your cannabis has matured and survived all the way to curing – and one of the dried buds of your product has a powdery white mold or mildew spot on it. If you look closely, you might even see it on a few other buds nearby. Powdery mildew (or PM) on your dried […]

Why AiroClean420 is Right for Your Customers

You can offer a solution that simplifies your customers’ lives and keeps them from losing their crops. And, it works without harmful chemicals or emissions. As a supplier of indoor gardening and controlled environment agriculture (CEA) equipment, you’re well aware of the benefits of indoor growing. Greater control over environmental factors like light, water usage, […]

Common Home Grower Challenges

All home growers experience challenges and problems from time to time. And growers of different skill levels inevitably encounter different types of issues. New home growers tend to have their own set of particular issues, as do amateur growers, and even advanced and commercial growers. Even though some new growers do get lucky with no […]

How to Handle Powdery Mildew on Buds after Harvest

Powdery mildew on buds after harvest is a serious concern for cannabis growers, and for good reason. This severe blight is one of the top causes of cannabis plant destruction. The key to beating this threat is to keep it from getting anywhere near your plants in the first place. Of course, you say, but […]

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