Call 1-844-247-3913 to learn how to stop powdery mildew.


Disease Identification and Fungal Diagnosis Control on Cannabis

Fungal diseases are a leading cause of plant death and revenue loss for marijuana growers. The optimal growing conditions for cannabis — moderate temperatures and humidity — also provide excellent opportunities for plant diseases. Learning how to accurately identify common causes of disease is important for growers to enact effective fungal diagnosis control on cannabis […]

The Most Effective Plant Fungus Treatment

Fungal infections are the most common and dangerous cannabis plant diseases. Investigating the best plant fungus treatment solutions will ensure the survival of your cannabis crop. Draft a Specific Plant Fungus Treatment Plan As a small business owner, leaving the health of your inventory up to chance is a problematic choice. Too often, cannabis growers […]

The Best Ways to Control Botrytis on Cannabis Plants

Marijuana consumers have recently been raising concerns that medical marijuana products contain harmful mold. It is true that a mold infestation can persist after plants are harvested and buds are in the drying process. This health concern makes it imperative for cannabis growers to be vigilant about the effects of mold on plants. Botrytis cinerea […]

What to Look For When Choosing Mold Removal Services

Every marijuana grower deals with plant diseases at some point. The most common class of diseases to affect cannabis plants is fungi. From powdery mildew to gray mold to bud rot, fungi can wipe out an entire crop in days to weeks. Once you notice signs of fungal infection, it is important to take aggressive […]

Get Rid of Powdery Mildew in 5 Steps

Powdery mildew spreads quickly and can be difficult to combat. Learn how to get rid of powdery mildew in 5 steps to keep your growing environment fungus-free. 1. Assess the extent of the problem. How to get rid of powdery mildew depends on the extent of the infection. If you catch powdery mildew early, you […]

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