Call 1-844-247-3913 to learn how to stop powdery mildew.


Should You Be Concerned about Harmful Emissions in Your Cannabis Facility?

Sure, you’re worried about the air quality outside; but have you stopped to think about potentially harmful emissions inside your cannabis facility? If not, you could be in for a world of hurt. Indoor Growing Operations Did you know that almost a third of the U.S. cannabis supply comes from indoor growing operations? It’s not […]

Identifying Common Diseases in Plants

Cannabis producers must serve a variety of roles: cultivator, agricultural scientist, plant doctor, and business person. While it’s easy enough to spot a healthy plant, recognizing signs of disease does not come as easily. Identifying common diseases in plants is a skill that will pay enormous rewards over time. Signs of Plant Disease in Seedlings […]

Top 5 New Trends in the Cannabis Industry

More and more people are searching for the top 5 new trends in the cannabis industry, as it continues to experience wider legalization and social acceptance, and cannabis for men is just one of the hot topics. As a relatively young business, we’ve only just begun to scratch the surface of what’s possible. But from […]

Top 10 Events for Cannabis Growers

With the continuing growth in legalization, more and more people are looking for the top 10 cannabis trade shows. Expos and seminars are great opportunities for the community to come together to share knowledge and support one another in the business. And as the market continues to grow and evolve, it’s important to stay up […]

Common Fungal Disease in Cannabis Plants

Cannabis growers know that they must meticulously control environmental variables — heat, temperature, light — to keep their plants safe. More challenging to control are marijuana plant diseases. Fungal diseases are among the most common diseases affecting cannabis plants. So, when allowed to spread unchecked, they can kill an entire crop in a matter of […]

Common Diseases In Plants and How to Combat Them

Cannabis is a rapidly growing industry in the United States. Legal marijuana represents a $2.7 billion market in 2013 alone, according to figures from The ArcView Group. Individual growers must protect their profit margins by investing heavily in the health of their plants. Even a small outbreak of disease can significantly reduce profitability, especially among […]

Growing Medical Marijuana: What to Know Before You Grow

With medical marijuana, the quantity and quality of crop you harvest is directly related to the amount of effort you put into growing healthy plants. For those new to growing medical marijuana, it is a good idea to do plenty of research up front. Planning your grow room in advance will ensure you maximize efficiency […]

Solutions to Common Cannabis Plant Problems

Cannabis growers face a number of obstacles, but plant health doesn’t have to be one of them. In an indoor growing environment, disease can spread and wipe out an entire crop in a matter of days. However, understanding the most common cannabis plant problems and how they affect plants will allow you to keep your […]

The Best Techniques for Cannabis Plant Airborne Disease Prevention

Many novice cannabis growers focus obsessively on the temperature, humidity, nutrients, and other environmental variables that impact marijuana plant health. Although these factors are very important for plants to thrive, failing to prevent the spread of microbes leaves your entire crop vulnerable to a single outbreak of disease. Understanding the best techniques for cannabis plant […]

How AiroClean420 Can Help With Organic Control of Powdery Mildew

With more states having pending laws to legalize medical or recreational cannabis use, marijuana production is a booming industry.  Many marijuana growers currently use fungicides, pesticides, and other chemicals that are harmful to humans. The increasing demand for organic cannabis products leave many producers in the lurch, however, as plant diseases often require aggressive measures […]

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